Clients: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage of Ireland; Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of Ireland
Date: 2021 – 2023
Location(s): Europe-wide
We worked on behalf of the Irish Government to set up a government-supported European Peatlands Initiative. The EPI aims to strengthen existing ties between countries whose joint aims are to create momentum for peatlands restoration, conservation, and sustainable management.
Europe is the continent with the largest proportional loss of peatlands in the world, emitting nearly the carbon equivalent of Canada’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. Peatlands are being drained mainly for agricultural purposes, threatening their carbon sequestration potential and the multiple ecosystem services they provide. Peatlands often fall in between different governmental domains and the complex multi-stakeholder environment makes it a challenge to coordinate action.
We supported the DAFM & NPWS of the Irish Government in setting up the EPI by building momentum, exchanging knowledge and mobilising resources:
- Planning and facilitating events, including at COP26 and Development Meeting in Ireland
- Delivering an Exploratory study report after consulting 150 stakeholders
- Supporting communication work
- Facilitating knowledge exchange and mobilisation of resources.
We connected the EPI to the UNEP, the Global Peatlands Initiative, Wetlands International, and other leading initiatives in the peatlands world. The EPI already gained global momentum by creating a network of over 150 stakeholders in over 15 European countries and increasing awareness of peatland restoration among policy players in Europe.
Peatlands are emerging as climate champions on the political agendas of several countries, deserving special attention as a nature-based climate solution. The development of the European Peatlands Initiative is a significant effort to promote government-supported, pan-European collaboration and contribute to global efforts in advancing action for nature, people, and the economy.
– Lisa Wiatschka, Innovation Consultant