At Bax & Company, we’re passionate about collaborating with cities, OEMs, research institutes, universities and SMEs on high impact, Energy Efficiency projects across Europe. We’ve contributed to the reduction of Europe’s CO2 emissions, by facilitating the lightweighting of vehicles, green property renovations, recovering peatlands and developing innovative energy solutions for cars, homes and cities.
Some of our current Carbon reducing projects are:
Engaging innovators to make vehicles lighter
The ALLIANCE Challenge is an open innovation competition that Bax & Company are coordinating. We’re collaborating with six leading European carmakers (Daimler, Volvo, Opel, Toyota, Volkswagen and Centro Ricerche FCA), four suppliers (Thyssenkrupp, Novelis, Batz, Benteler) and seven knowledge partners (Swerea, Inspire, Fraunhofer LBF, RWTH-IKA, KIT-IPEK, University of Florence, Ricardo) to find innovative solutions to lightweighting vehicles. Lightweighting is a high impact approach to reducing vehicle emissions. ALLIANCE is inviting innovators to present their lightweight material and manufacturing solutions to reduce vehicle weight by 21-33% and pollutant emissions by 9 million tons of CO2 equivalent.
Curbing the natural causes
Carbon Connects is another new project that Bax & Company have collaboratively developed with partners from all over Europe. The project aims to tackle one of the biggest natural causes of CO2 emssions, agricultural peatlands. Though largely ignored, known peatlands only cover about 3% of the world’s land surface yet can emit 20-40 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year. Carbon Connects aims to run pilots, re-wetting peatlands in various North Western European countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the UK. Rewetting the peatland won’t only significantly reduce the emission of the carbon dioxide but it can also present new business opportunities; farmers can grow crops such as reeds, cat tails or cranberries that will remove CO2, already in the atmosphere. Using the Carbon Connects framework, it is expected that equivalent CO2 emissions will be reduced by 90-180 million tons. The equivalent to roughly 40-80 million cars!
Enhancing batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles
The OPTEMUS project aims to tackle one of the bigger problems of electric and hybrid cars: range limitation due to limited storage capacity of electric batteries. Collaboratively, project partners (including Virtual Vehicle, ESI group, Fraunhofer, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Continental) are tackling the issue by combining a series of smart technologies (such as smart seats and smart cover panels), advanced battery technologies, thermal management, and intelligent driving controls (eco-driving, eco-routing and predictive cabin technology).
The combination of improving the uptake of electric vehicles and the greater distance covered in hybrid vehicles could lead to the reduction of 32 million tons of CO2 equivalent.
Smart Energy Trading Solutions
We’re also currently in the process of setting up smart grid micro energy market pilots, in the Netherlands. The pilots are a part of renovation initiatives, where dwellings will have smart grids and solar panels installed. The dwellings will be generating electricity from renewable sources that could save owners and tenants up to €700 per year in their electricity bills, and reduce CO2 emissions by almost 2kg per year per household. This would result in 6.576 tons CO2eq saved for the 3.500 pilot dwellings per year.
Fossil Diesel Alternatives for Shipping
COLHD is a newer project, led by MAN & Bosch that we’re collaborating on to develop three DDF (diesel dual fuel) powertrains running on biogas and 2nd generation biofuels. COLHD will contribute to energy efficient, sustainable cargo shipping, by replacing the usage of fossil diesel to transport about 0.6M tonnes of payload over 4 Blue Corridors in Europe, substituting it for alternative fuels. This amount equals to substituting more than 750 million litres of fossil diesel by alternative fuels (HVO, LBM and LNG, bioLPG), over 5 years.
As a result, COLHD will potentially contribute to reducing GHG and pollutant emissions by more than equivalent of 1.6 million tons of CO2.
Sustainability Masterplanning
At Bax & Company, we use our SCENARIO tool to help property developers and local authorities to plan and assess energy efficiency investment options, obtain funding and realise their sustainability objectives, potentially resulting in huge carbon emission reductions. We do this by exploring the best energy efficiency renovation options for their social and economic obligations, using advanced data mapping and visualisation to present these pathways and allowing property developers to make truly informed green investment decisions.
Our future projects will continue to enhance energy efficiency in Europe, by making cities smart, utilising electric car batteries as energy banks in power grids and helping cities and property developers realise renewable energy investments for a cleaner, more efficient and resilient world.Of course, a lot of these impacts are from projects in progress – we innovate for impact in the future – but if we calculate the total potential CO2eq emissions reduced for Europe, over the next five years, then we arrive at an impressive 177,600,032 tons of CO2eq.
This certainly something we’re proud of.
If you’d like to be involved in a Carbon Emission reducing project, contact us.