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  • Gezondheid

Bax & Company wordt Bax

We hebben onze naam, identiteit en missie opgefrist om ons te richten op waar Bax het beste in is: ideeën werkelijkheid laten worden. We bieden changemakers in heel Europa de expertise, strategieën en financiering die ze nodig hebben om oplossingen te vinden voor de meest urgente maatschappelijke uitdagingen.

Bax & Company is nu Bax.

We hebben onze naam, identiteit en missie vernieuwd om weer te geven waar we het beste in zijn: het ondersteunen van Europese changemakers om nieuwe ideeën om te zetten in echte impact.

Onze nieuwe identiteit past bij de omvang van onze impact en ambitie.

Ons team van 75 gedreven en nieuwsgierige innovatiespecialisten bedient klanten vanuit vijf kantoren – in Barcelona, Brussel, Cambridge, Düsseldorf en Utrecht.

We werken samen met 1.200 organisaties in 44 landen, wat betekent dat wanneer klanten met ons werken, ze zich aansluiten bij een van de grootste innovatie-ecosystemen van Europa. Al onze klanten en partners zetten een groot idee om in de echte wereld. Iedereen gelooft in samenwerking en testen in de echte wereld. En iedereen krijgt toegewijde ondersteuning van Bax.

We stellen dit streven nu centraal in ons merk met een beknopte nieuwe naam en missieverklaring.

Simpel gezegd, Bax laat ideeën gebeuren.

22+ will turn an area around half the size of Central Park into a new hub of innovative industry and wellbeing for the city. It unites the main conclusions of previous studies of the area, notably the Masterplan Urbanístic i Econòmic del Districte d’Innovació de Barcelona by Ramon Gras and the team at Aretian – into a single overarching strategy for health. Drawing on Europe’s best contemporary examples, it will rethink how people and business move, operate and live in the area. The Strategy includes:

  • ‘Green axes’ will provide passageways of trees and parks that will double overall green space in the region.
  • A polycentric design will lead to the creation of not one but three vibrant hubs in which communities can meet and organise events.
  • Changes to the road hierarchy will encourage cycling and walking without disrupting industrial activity.
  • And a focus on high-quality green jobs will help to reduce the area’s growing reliance on the logistics industry.

The Besòs area is a 20 minute cycle from our Barcelona office. It’s an important part of the city, and when we were selected to build its redevelopment strategy, we were thrilled. The strategy pulls together expertise from all across the company. From healthy urban planning to greening, mobility to energy, this was truly a consultancy-wide effort to improve life in a district right on our doorstep.

– Sebastiaan van Herk, CEO of Bax

Led by Bax’s Healthy Cities team, the 22+ strategy was praised by the city for its focus on health. Weaved throughout the proposal for mobility, street design, road hierarchies and industrial strategy is a focus on promoting healthy lifestyles. Walking and cycling, time in green spaces, and hubs for community engagement will all contribute to making Besòs a healthier place to live and work. 

Residents of Besòs suffer from higher levels of obesity, diabetes, and mental health issues than the rest of the city. We saw the area’s regeneration as an ideal opportunity to put healthy living at the heart of the district’s design. The 22+ strategy means that this one-off regeneration will improve well-being for at least three generations of Besòs’ residents.

– Marta Rofin Serra, Lead for Healthy Cities at Bax

Ideeën verwezenlijken

Onze nieuwe missie kan in drie woorden worden samengevat: Make ideas happen.

Onze 1.200 klanten en 2.000 partners in heel Europa maken dit al mee. Sommige van onze partners vernieuwen de wereldwijde toeleveringsketens voor batterijen. Anderen maken van hun steden groene, gezonde plekken om in te leven. Anderen leiden de energietransitie met stadsbrede actieplanning en nieuwe renovatietechnieken.

In al deze initiatieven ondersteunen we toegewijde changemakers om echte verandering teweeg te brengen in hun stad, bedrijfstak of gemeenschap. Door middel van unieke pilots en sectoroverschrijdende samenwerkingsverbanden die een continent en daarbuiten bestrijken, bundelen we de middelen en expertise van Europa tot de eerste praktische stappen voor ideeën die de manier veranderen waarop we leven, bewegen en bouwen.

Access to green space plays a significant role in physical and mental health outcomes in cities. The 22+ initiative aims to double the green space available in the Besòs, from 2.5m to 5m per 100m2

This will be achieved through the creation of 7 new green pathways, known as ‘Green Axes’. Connecting the district’s riverside park to the planned Sagrera Park, the Axes will provide pleasant pathways for walking and cycling through the district. Public spaces will be established along the Axes, ranging from small gathering areas for family picnics, to expansive green spaces for longer walks.

The Besòs River, the source of the area’s regeneration in the 1990s, also plays a role. The strategy proposes building new bridges across the river to improve connectivity between riverbanks, improving access to the riverside park and making cycling and walking more attractive. 22+ envisages a vibrant Besòs riverfront where cafés, restaurants, businesses and cultural institutions line the riverside.

High-quality jobs and green power in a new ecosystem innovation

In recent years, the Besòs industrial district has been increasingly dominated by large logistics centres for e-Commerce. While these businesses are important sources of jobs, their large footprint and lack of interaction with local neighbourhoods requires a rethink for how industry is integrated in the area.

The 22+ Strategy does this by reimagining the role of urban industry, proposing an ecosystem for local production and innovation. The proposed strategy aims to attract innovative companies, relocating the storage and logistics activities that have come to dominate the district to outer locations. 

22+ also envisages a green energy transformation in the region, creating a source of low-cost renewable energy that will act as a competitive advantage for the region. The Strategy aims to generate 84.9 GWh annually using photovoltaic panels. This will qualify the Besòs region as one of Europe’s ‘positive energy neighbourhoods’, generating 112% of its local energy needs.

A polycentric design featuring multiple community hubs

A central innovation of 22+ is its polycentric design. Rather than concentrating all important services in one core, the polycentric design will create three centres, ensuring that all residents can access important services nearby. This will also help the formation of strong local communities. The three ‘nodes’ of the polycentric design are located next to public green spaces that can host sports, leisure or cultural activities for the area’s residents.

Each of these hubs will also host a variety of shared services, including a Materials Laboratory which will promote circular uses of waste in the region, car-sharing services, a logistics hub with a cargobike distribution system for last-mile delivery by pedal, as well as stations for shared bikes.

Reimagining roads for active mobility

Currently, 68% of Besòs residents rely on their car for work, with only 10% walking and cycling. 22+ drew on Bax’s extensive experience in mobility for people and goods to reorient the ‘road hierarchy’ that balances the needs of the area’s industry with active forms of mobility. 

The solution is a road layout with three tiers: main arteries for large vehicles supporting industry, a distribution network for smaller vehicles within each polygon, and large ‘superblocks’ in which walking and cycling take priority. 

To encourage the use of sustainable forms of transport, six micro-hubs were included in the strategy, complete with biking facilities, public transport, bicycle parking lots, and comprehensive options for charging electric vehicles, car-sharing, and other services. Cycling infrastructure will be upgraded, and new lanes will be designed for cargo bikes to enable sustainable last-mile delivery.

Next steps in the Besòs district

Following the submission of the study, Barcelona City Council will take the 22+ strategy forward into their planning process. 

“We’re excited to watch the Besòs Innovation District grow and develop over the coming decades. We hope the Besòs development will inspire other cities to address their own industrial regions, showing that careful urban planning can plant health and prosperity at the heart of any regeneration project” said Sebastiaan van Herk.

Laten we aan je idee werken

Welk idee wil je verwezenlijken? We staan klaar om elke organisatie te ondersteunen die verandering tot stand wil brengen en een visie heeft op een betere samenleving en een beter milieu – of het nu gaat om een particuliere, openbare, industriële, NGO- of onderzoeksorganisatie.

Vertel ons je idee en laten we bespreken hoe we het kunnen realiseren.

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