In collaboration with:

These days any company that wants to survive needs to be able to innovate. Yet, only a few companies consistently create an impact on their business through their innovation efforts. Many view innovation as the icing on the cake, rather than the cake itself. At Bax & Company, we believe innovation is a core business function that needs to be managed as such. Your company can’t afford to treat it as an add-on.

In order to maximise your innovations, Bax & Company has teamed up with Innoget, the largest online open innovation network in Europe. With Innoget’s vast network of over 175,000 innovators and our 20+ years experience in customised consultancy services to accelerate innovation, we are enabling clients to turn their innovation strategy into reality.

What do we do?

Portfolio examples

Areas of expertise

Innoget’s Open Innovation Marketplace

InnogetCloud is the cloud-based open innovation marketplace to enhance collaboration in R&D, innovation and business development. The platform is a unique online tool to…

provide direct connections between research organizations -startups, spinoffs, research groups, universities, etc.-, industry stakeholders, business angels, venture capital and other funding institutions

make innovative technologies much more available to bring them faster to the market

provide industry stakeholders and funding institutions with easy access to investment, funding opportunities and collaborative innovation projects

…under a private and secure environment, connected to the largest open innovation network worldwide,

Diagnose your innovation capabilities

Gain some outside perspective on your present innovation capabilities, and how they can be improved: