Gerard Don

Innovation Consultant

Areas of work: Agrifood innovation partnerships, readiness assessments for nature-based solutions, regenerative agriculture, biodiversity.

Office: Barcelona

Languages spoken: Dutch, English, Spanish

Education: Bsc: International Business Administration, Radboud University Nijmegen. MA: Sustainable Business & Innovation, EADA Business School

At the weekend: I’m going out into the beautiful hilly Catalan country-side, to train for my next triatlon or just to relax and disconnect

An idea that powers me: Working towards a vision of nature-inclusive land management, where good land stewardship and growing healthy food are enabled, properly valued and rewarded, and where agricultural practices and other land uses are aligned with the flow of nature. I’m passionate about driving innovations and creating multi-stakeholder initiatives to make this a reality.

News & Insights

Beneath our feet: why soil deserves the spotlight
  • Nature

Case Studies

  • Digital
  • Nature
Kick-starting the Dutch national agrifood innovation ecosystem
  • Nature
Reverting the degradation of seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean Sea