Pere Giralt

Innovation Consultant

Areas of work: Marine restoration, innovation partnerships, readiness assessments, ecosystem services, blue finance

Office: Barcelona

Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Catalan

Education: BSc Biology at University of Barcelona ; MA International Relations at Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals

Previous work experience: International Project Assistant at Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)

At the weekend: I’m surfing, immersed in the latest NatGeo issue, cooking a new recipe

An idea that powers me: I am worried about the disconnect between modern societies and our natural ecosystems. I believe a paradigm shift is on its way. I am convinced that triple win solutions that benefit nature, people and economies are the way forward. I am also convinced they are possible through multi-actor partnerships that leverage financial, technological, policy and governance innovations.

News & Insights

Restoration for Resilience: Advancing Europe’s Ecosystem Recovery by 2050
  • Nature

Case Studies

  • Nature
Connecting Europe to protect and restore peatlands
  • Nature
Restoring Europe’s wetlands
  • Nature
Protecting and restoring peatlands across Europe for improved carbon sequestration
  • Nature
Reverting the degradation of seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean Sea