Over 180 Cleantech SMEs Connect to Large Corporations in One Year

Over the past year, SCALE-UP Meet the Buyer events have given innovative SMEs the opportunity to present their cleantech solutions to large corporate buyers such as Siemens, Skanska, Anglian Water and the British Antarctic Survey.

SCALE-UP partners have organised 10 Meet the Buyer events in the UK, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. These events have offered significant opportunities for collaboration between large corporations and SMEs. The purchasing professionals of large companies are looking to green their supply chains and find new cleantech products and solutions from the smaller innovators.

Before the Meet the Buyer events, the large corporations present their cleantech needs, via the SCALE-UP website, so that SMEs can sign up for 1-to-1 sessions to present their innovative solutions.The most suitable solutions are then entered into a development and purchasing process for effective adoption and implementation into the corporation. It is expected that the solutions adopted in these sessions will contribute to reducing the environmental impact of their applications by at least 10% over the next four years.

The success of the SCALE-UP Meet the Buyer events in the first year comes from the large contact networks of the cleantech clusters in the project and the successful communication campaign that partners have launched to promote the opportunities for large and small corporates.

ATTEND the next planned Meet the Buyer events, check the website.

Bax & Company has facilitated the matching of SMEs to corporate buyers and provided continued support in the follow-up process for successful procurement and implementation, along with supporting the partners in the management, strategy and measuring the impact of the SCALE-UP project.

Do you think your cleantech innovation could contribute to a Large Corporation’s green efforts? Contact our team and see if we can match you with a corporate buyer.

SCALE-UP (Supporting Cleantech innovators in Accessing Large Enterprises through Unlocking Procurement) is a new collaboration between existing, successful regional cleantech clusters. This project is co-funded by the Interreg North Sea Region.

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