Our climate action project BEGIN (Blue Green Infrastructures through Social Innovation) just published its policy brief, which sets out four recommendations for local governments that aim to construct Blue and Green Infrastructure (BGI) in their cities. Co-authored by Dr. Jannes Willems (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Prof. Richard Ashley (IHE-Delft), Dr. William Veerbeek (IHE-Delft), Ellen Kelder (City of Dordrecht), and our own Dr. Sebastiaan van Herk, the document aims to support local governments create more liveable and climate-resilient cities.
The four recommendations are:

Identify the beneficiaries and their interests when making the case for BGI
Link the BGI to communities by demonstrating the value to them
Stimulate multi-departmental and multi-stakeholder collaborations for BGI delivery
Develop asset management principles and processes for BGI

To make the contents of the policy brief as accessible as possible for all, we’ve created an interactive version with extra information on the social innovation cases from the BEGIN project.