
Ut quis odio sed ante placerat sodales. Fusce vehicula felis nisi, vel venenatis turpis hendrerit scelerisque. Sed imperdiet nisi id leo sodales, sed interdum dolor venenatis.

How can design-thinking connect European research to business?
City2City Learning: The Climate Resilience Accelerator
How can we facilitate coordination and coherence to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience?
Why cities should look to data-driven solutions to improve public services
  • Energy
UN Climate Summit COP23 – Shining the Spotlight on Climate Adaptation
Bax & Company present at the Smart City Expo World Congress
COP23 official side event: What is excellence in climate adaptation?
Collaborative Contributions to Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Energy
  • Materials
European Automotive OEMs challenge innovators to improve efficiency
  • Materials
Can sustainability be included into property valuations?
Lightweight ALLIANCE at global automotive event
  • Materials
Developing Collaborative Circular Solutions for Peatland CO2 Emissions
Can Micro Energy Trading create future markets and save energy and money?
Over 180 Cleantech SMEs Connect to Large Corporations in One Year
Sustainability, an important factor in real estate valuation assessments?
Low Carbon land use practices connect Europe
Are you following Open Innovation Best Practices?
The emerging complexity of climate adaptation governance in a globalizing world
City to City learning to cater city needs to climate adaptation
Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation: accelerating climate adaptation and resilience
Creating a Global Center of Excellence on Adaptation; preparing COP22 and Climate summit
  • Nature
The impact of 3D printing
  • Materials
How can Europe take the global lead in automotive composites: a vision by Suschem’s stakeholders?
  • Materials