Accelerating circular economy through procurement power, alliance- and capacity building

Partners: The ProCirc Partnership Date: 2019 – 2023 Locations: Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Sweden Procuring organisations play a key role in stimulating the circular economy by using their demand to change markets. The challenge is that procurement practices are typically linear by nature and not conducive to circular solutions. Procurement agencies are […]

Strengthening European leadership in the field of lightweight materials and technologies

Clients: Fraunhofer, Chemnitz, Polymeris, PIEP, Cluster MECH, Bay Zoltan Network, NTNU, Univeristy of Northumbria Newcastle, Cluster MAV, LIGHTer, Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley, Jozef Stefan Institute Date: 2018 – ongoing Location(s): Europe wide Lightweight technologies are key in reducing carbon emissions in resource intensive industries. To reduce emissions material weight is one of the most […]

Building the roadmap to Europe’s green transition in advanced materials

Client: EMIRI (The Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative) Date: 2019 Location: Europe-wide To support Europe in achieving its climate targets, Bax facilitated the development of a strategic roadmap for the future of advanced materials. The roadmap identifies research and innovation priorities in advanced materials required to accelerate clean energy and sustainable mobility solutions. It has […]