2024 Effectenrapport
In 2024 werkten we samen met meer dan 300 partners aan het ontwerpen en testen van nieuwe oplossingen voor maatschappelijke verandering. In heel Europa ondersteunden we ons ecosysteem van klanten en changemakers om hun missies te bevorderen, van het veiliger maken van steden in het diepste Noorwegen voor actieve mobiliteit tot het aanbieden van geautomatiseerd openbaar vervoer aan ouderen in Griekenland. Dit impactrapport geeft een samenvatting van ons gezamenlijke werk in het veld.
We willen al onze partners, klanten en medewerkers bedanken voor het verwezenlijken van zoveel ideeën in 2024!

Bericht van onze bestuurders
Laat ideeën werkelijkheid worden.
Voor jou en voor onszelf. Een nieuwe slogan die ons werk definieert en ook dient als mindset.
Als innovators hadden we het druk dit jaar. We hebben twee nieuwe bedrijven opgericht. Publiq Innovation: een incubator die publieke goederen levert via conceptbedrijven, en Healthy Cities: een initiatief dat tools en diensten levert om gezondheid te genereren via stadsplanning.
We hebben twee nieuwe kantoren geopend en uitgebreid om onze klanten beter van dienst te kunnen zijn. In Düsseldorf, Duitsland, en Brussel, België.
We hebben onze Innovation Readiness Levels Methodology ontwikkeld en getest, een nieuw Bax-raamwerk voor missiegedreven innovatie dat nu vrij beschikbaar is voor iedereen die het wil gebruiken. Een grote lancering is gepland voor begin 2025.
Natuurlijk kunnen onze ideeën en initiatieven alleen samen met onze klanten, medewerkers en partners echt succes hebben. Hieronder vindt u een aantal hoogtepunten van ons team van 78 die de afgelopen 12 maanden ideeën hebben verwezenlijkt in verschillende domeinen, sectoren en regio’s.
We hebben opnieuw hoge ambities gesteld voor het komende jaar. We kijken ernaar uit om in 2025 nog veel meer ideeën te verwezenlijken!
– Sebastiaan van Herk (CEO) en Rolf Bastiaanssen (Directeur)
Waar we in 2024 hebben gewerkt

Hoogtepunten uit 2024
Ondersteuning van SSE Renewables bij de ontwikkeling van een circulair 2GW-windmolenpark
Het team Circulaire Economie van Bax was trots op de ondersteuning van SSE Renewables, Pensioenfonds ABPen APG bij het verkrijgen van een vergunning voor de bouw van een windmolenpark van 2GW in Nederland. Circulariteit was een centraal onderdeel van de beoordeling van de offertes door de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland en maakte 10% uit van de totale biedingscriteria.

De open-source Innovation Readiness Levels-methodologie van Bax vrijgeven
Dit jaar werd de innovatiemethodologie van Bax, Innovation Readiness Levels, gelanceerd. Innovation Readiness Levels brengt professioneel innovatiemanagement naar missiegedreven innovaties, met objectieve kaders die missies koppelen aan innovatieacties.
Uitbreiding van Publiq's portfolio naar vier ventures
Onze venture studio Publiq werd in december 2023 gelanceerd en breidde zijn aantal ventures in 2024 uit tot vier. Pendel en Healthy Cities kregen gezelschap van het sharing economy-netwerk Digital Kiosks en het bedrijf Essential Housing, dat betaalbare huisvesting biedt. In 2025 wil Publiq zijn impact vergroten door samen met Bax-klanten te innoveren voor het algemeen belang.
Ontwikkeling van de volgende generatie van stedelijke gezondheidsanalyse
Onze onderneming voor gezonde stadsplanning Healthy Cities lanceerde eind 2024 de verbeterde versie van haar tool voor stadsplanners, de Healthy Cities Generator. De herziene tool, die is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met EIT Urban Mobility en de Universiteit van Lissabon, houdt rekening met de potentiële besparingen op gezondheidskosten die stedelijke plannen elk jaar opleveren.
Oprichting van Europa's leidende netwerk voor infrastructuur voor een gedeelde economie
Onder leiding van Bax is dit jaar het Digital Kiosks Network gelanceerd, dat belooft de deel- en verhuureconomie te transformeren. Het nieuwe Europese netwerk faciliteert de duurzame implementatie van deelstations door samen te werken met meer dan 30 overheden, huisvestingsaanbieders, aanbieders van deelstations, merkfabrikanten, onderzoekers en praktijkmensen uit de deeleconomie.

De DUT helpen bij stedelijke transformaties
In 2024 bevestigde Bax haar toewijding aan het bevorderen van de duurzame stedelijke toekomst van Europa met de lancering van een vierjarige strategische samenwerking met het Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership. Bax biedt deskundige ondersteuning bij de strategische ontwikkeling van de drie belangrijkste transitiepaden van DUT: 15-minuten steden, circulaire economieën en positieve energiewijken.
Onze merkidentiteit en missie vernieuwen voor 2024
Bax heeft zijn missie en identiteit in 2024 opgefrist, om onze sterke betrokkenheid bij het realiseren van maatschappelijke impact in de praktijk te weerspiegelen.
Opening van onze kantoren in Brussel en Düsseldorf
Bax breidde dit jaar haar aanwezigheid uit en opende kantoren in Düsseldorf en Brussel. De uitgebreide aanwezigheid stelt Bax in staat om veranderaars in Duitsland en België beter van dienst te zijn.
Impact per themagebied
In 2024, Bax advanced circular innovation across Europe by supporting urban bioeconomy initiatives, renewable energy projects, and industrial players in adopting circular principles.
By connecting stakeholders, embedding sustainable design approaches, and fostering industry-wide dialogue, we empowered organisations to overcome barriers, secure investments, and set new standards for resource efficiency.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Engaging 100+ stakeholders through the Bax Battery Circularity Game at major events like the Future Battery Forum and Battery Innovation Days, as well as hosting bespoke sessions for industrial teams.
- Enhancing investment readiness for circular bioeconomy projects through HOOP’s final investors’ event, ‘Maximising Your Investment Potential’.
- Pioneering circularity in offshore wind energy by supporting the successful permit application for the IJmuiden Ver Alpha wind farm.

Our Circular highlights from 2024
In June 2024, Bax partnered with the Circular Investment Readiness Network to host Maximising Your Investment Potential,the HOOP project’s final circular investors’ event.
The session offered practical tools, expert insights, and
real-world examples to help urban circular project owners secure investment and overcome the challenges of innovative business models.
Partners: ACR, anci lazio, Gemeente Almere, biomass research, CETAQUA Galicia, cetenma, CSCP, CluBE, DRAXIS, Greenovate, ITENE, BIR, Lipor, PRO curement, RDA, SAV, SAVONIA, Science for Change, Stadt Münster, 2GO OUT, Ayuntmiento de Murcia

- Curated an insightful programme for event attendees with a mix of speeches and round table discussions featuring project developers and impact investors.
- Facilitated important connections between stakeholders of the circular bioeconomy and European investors.
- Helped address risk perceptions related to the circular bioeconomy which continue to hinder large investments in the sector.

Director, Utrecht Office

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Materials, Sharing
Bax’s Circular Bax’s Circular Industry team is proud to have supported Noordzeker—a consortium of SSE Renewables, Pensioenfonds ABP, and APG—in securing a permit to develop a 2 GW wind farm at the IJmuiden Ver Alpha site in the Netherlands, capable of generating enough energy to meet approximately 7% of the country’s current electricity demand.
Clients: SSE Renewables, Pensioenfonds ABP, APG

- Helped Noordzeker embed circular design principles across the wind farm’s lifecycle, ensuring resource efficiency, waste reduction, and recyclability.
- Supported the consortium in crafting detailed approaches for optimising turbine component reusability and recycling, aligning with bid criteria set by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
- Our consultants’ expertise in circularity contributed to Noordzeker’s successful permit application, positioning the IJmuiden Ver Alpha project as a frontrunner in sustainable offshore wind development.
- By helping to set a new industry standard for resource efficiency and lifecycle design, we have amplified the role of circular practices in the renewable energy sector to drive
long-term environmental and economic benefits.

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Materials

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Energy, Materials

Work with us on Circular Innovation
Contact Bax’s Circular team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work in Digital focused on advancing Europe’s digital transformation across sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and energy. By driving the adoption of cutting-edge digital solutions, we helped organisations unlock the potential of data and technology to foster innovation, improve decision-making, and enhance operational efficiency.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Supporting the launch of the Digital Health for All (DigiH4A) project, set to unlock reimbursement pathways and build trust between healthcare providers and patients.
- Driving AI healthcare innovations through our involvement in the EU’s €60 million TEF-Health initiative, supporting SMEs in transforming their AI solutions into market-ready services.
- Developing frameworks to prioritise digital R&D activities, ensuring alignment with industry needs and EU regulations, and supporting the integration of emerging technologies into critical sectors.
- Advancing cross-sector collaboration, including in the Dutch agrifood innovation ecosystem, where we conducted over 30 interviews and facilitated collaboration among over 60 organisations to tackle sustainability challenges and labour shortages through automation and digitalisation.

Our Digital highlights from 2024
In 2024, Bax joined the EU’s €60 million TEF-Health initiative, which aims to establish Europe as a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for healthcare. Through this initiative, we support HUmani – CHU Charleroi-Chimay (Belgium) in guiding TEF-Health partners to provide physical facilities and clinical settings for testing AI healthcare solutions. Together, we contribute to ensuring these innovations are validated for safety, efficacy, and compliance with EU regulatory standards.

- Supported HUmani – CHU Charleroi-Chimay in their role coordinating hospital platforms, living labs, and laboratory testing environments.
- Led the creation of a catalogue of innovative physical services across 7 Member States, to accelerate market access for European AI and Robotics SMEs.
- Management of the robotics and hospital task forces, providing strategic guidance and oversight.
- Worked closely with the Belgium node, led by Multitel, to streamline the services offered to SMEs and researchers..
- Contributed to creating a supportive environment for SMEs to test and validate AI healthcare solutions in compliance with EU standards.
- Paved the way for collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and industry players, advancing the development of AI technologies tailored to real-world healthcare needs..

Innovation Consultant
Bax collaborated with the NXTGEN Handsfree Agrifood consortium to develop a national R&D program aimed at addressing labour shortages and sustainability challenges in the Dutch agrifood sector through automation and digitalisation.
Clients: Wageningen University & Research, Brainport Development Eindhoven, Innovation Quarter, FME – Powered by Dutch Technology

- Conducted over 30 interviews to align stakeholder expectations and contributions.
- Developed a decision-making framework to prioritise R&D activities and investments.
- Facilitated collaboration among 60+ organisations to foster a mission-driven innovation ecosystem.
- Secured €27 million in funding for ecosystem activities.
- Established a strong foundation for the agrifood innovation ecosystem to thrive.
- Enabled the advancement of innovative solutions contributing to sustainability and food security.

Innovation Consultant
Digital, Nature

Utrecht Office

Innovation Consultant

Work with us on Digital Innovation
Contact Bax’s Digital team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Energy advanced Europe’s transition to sustainable and efficient energy systems by driving policy, business, and technological solutions. We supported initiatives that strengthened battery innovation and local energy planning, helping municipalities, SMEs, and business organisations transition to cleaner, more efficient energy practices.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Completing our 24th Market Intelligence Report on the EV battery landscape.
- Developing tailored exploitation methodologies to help industrial partners in the battery sector commercialise innovations and maximise project outcomes.
- Working with six European cities to develop Local Energy Action Plans (LEAPs), introducing a replicable model for urban energy transformation focused on sustainable energy use in key sectors.
- Creating a partnership of cities, finance experts and cleantech providers to build 7 regional energy finance ecosystems worth €150m.

Our Energy highlights from 2024
2024 marked the culmination of the COBRA project, which delivered an innovative cobalt-free battery technology to tackle the critical safety, cost, and environmental challenges of lithium-ion batteries. Through strategic communication, exploitation efforts, and market intelligence, we ensured COBRA’s results reached key stakeholders and supported Europe’s transition to sustainable electric mobility.
Partners: IREC (Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya), Stockholm University, Imec, Cerpotech, Uppsala University, Cidetec, Solvionic, Fraunhofer, Resitec, THI, CEA, Aentron, Infineon, TNO, Eurecat, AVL, Applus+ IDIADA

- Published 24 Market Intelligence Reports.
- Developed tailored exploitation methodologies to guide industrial partners in preparing innovations for commercialisation, maximising the use of project outcomes.
- Provided strategic communication advice and managed the final dissemination activities.
- Set up a cluster of research projects to maximise synergies at the R&D level.
- Built a network of over 600 regular readers of our Market Intelligence Reports (MIRs) and a LinkedIn community of 2000 members.
- Supported two companies in positioning themselves and entering the battery market with new technologies.
- Attracted the interest of several OEMs and initiated communications for future collaboration.
- Influenced the EU battery ecosystem by providing crucial insights into new battery technologies, policy, and business developments.

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Energy

Innovation Consultant

Communications Consultant
Energy, Health
Bax is collaborating with six European cities to develop Local Energy Action Plans (LEAPs), aiming to enhance energy system management in partnership with Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and align with city-wide decarbonisation goals.
Clients and Partners: Ghent, Antwerp, Dordrecht, Bremen, Fredericia, Varberg Energi, E.DSO, Climate Alliance, Center Denmark, Cambridge Cleantech, cambio Bremen, University of Ghent, University of Aalborg

- Supported a partnership of 6 front-running cities, E.DSO, Climate Alliance and others to launch LEAP initiatives across mobility, residential and industrial use cases.
- Assisted cities in addressing their unique energy challenges, from district electrification to renewable integration.
- Supported local decarbonisation goals through tailored, actionable energy plans.
- Initiated Europe’s first generation of LEAPs, offering a replicable model for urban energy transformation.
- Helped cities to develop cross-sector integration of local energy planning across mobility, logistics, industry, and residential areas.
- Introduced cities to investment strategies and a network of energy investors


Innovation Consultant

Work with us on Energy Innovation
Contact Bax’s Energy team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Health focused on enhancing healthcare sustainability through innovation and improving urban planning to foster health-focused communities. By advancing digital health solutions and supporting innovative urban planning practices, we are driving more inclusive and efficient healthcare systems.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Facilitating the launch of a community platform that connects care providers, companies, and other stakeholders in the homecare sector to accelerate the development and adoption of innovative solutions.
- Launching the latest version of the Healthy Cities Generator tool that makes it easy for urban planners, health professionals and policy makers to incorporate health factors into urban planning and urban factors into health policy, demonstrating how improved infrastructure can enhance public health and reduce costs.
- Supporting the launch of the Digital Health for All (DigiH4A) project, set to unlock reimbursement pathways and build trust between healthcare providers and patients.

Our Health highlights from 2024
Bax collaborates with RISE and 14 partners in the ACE project to improve independent living for older adults in Northern Europe by integrating innovative (digital) health solutions into homecare services.
Clients and Partners: Aarhus Municipality, Biotech Santé Bretagne, Boone NV, Brabant Development Agency (BOM), CoWorkHit Innovation Centre, European Social Network (ESN), HAN University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Höganäs Kommun, Innovation Skåne, LiCaLab – Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Oost NL, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Vesthimmerlands Kommune.

- Facilitated the launch of the ACE Community platform, which connects care providers, companies, and other stakeholders in the homecare sector to accelerate the development and adoption of innovative solutions.
- Shared insights on the key drivers and challenges shaping the homecare sector, drawing from ACE workshops to guide stakeholders in adopting innovative solutions effectively..
- Strengthened connections across over 14 partners in Northern Europe, by creating a dynamic network that fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among care providers, SMEs, and other stakeholders.

Innovation Consultant

European Programmes Consultant

Communications Consultant Energy, Health
In 2024, Bax collaborated with EIT Urban Mobility and the University of Lisbon to enhance the Healthy Cities Generator tool. This evidence-based solution equips cities to integrate health considerations into urban planning, demonstrating how improved infrastructure can enhance public health and reduce costs.

- Supported pilots in Bradford, UK, and Cascais, Portugal, to test the tool’s ability to assess real-world urban planning actions.
- Analysed green space improvements and traffic reduction, showcasing their economic and health benefits.
- Delivered hands-on training for stakeholders, fostering practical adoption.
- Enabled cities to estimate potential cost savings from health-promoting urban strategies.
- Demonstrated improvements like mobility hubs in Lisbon’s Santo Antonio Valley, which boosted mental health.
- Highlighted the scalability of health-focused urban planning in diverse contexts, influencing healthier, more liveable cities.

Innovation Consultant and Urban Planner

Innovation Consultant
Nature, Urban, Health

Innovation Consultant and Urban Planner

Innovation Consultant and Urban Planner

Work with us on Health Innovation
Contact Bax’s Health team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Materials focussed on fostering sustainable advancements in industrial practices through the adoption of advanced materials. By facilitating collaboration among key stakeholders and promoting innovations in lightweight technologies, we helped drive the transition to greener, more resource-efficient industries.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Expanded the European Lightweight Cluster Alliance (ELCA) network to cover more countries across Europe, strengthening the alliance and its members. In 2024, we continued to grow the network by bringing together stakeholders from key sectors, including mobility, energy, healthcare, defence, and construction.
- Delivered a technology roadmap that highlighted drivers, challenges, and innovations in polymer composites, light metal alloys, and ceramic matrix composites, supporting sustainable advancements across four industrial sectors.

Our Materials highlights from 2024
Bax facilitates the European Lightweight Cluster Alliance (ELCA) to promote the adoption of lightweight materials across strategic industries, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and advance the EU Green Deal objectives.
Clients: Fraunhofer, Chemnitz, Polymeris, PIEP, Cluster MECH, Bay Zoltan Network, NTNU, Univeristy of Northumbria Newcastle, Cluster MAV, LIGHTer, Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley, Jozef Stefan Institute

- Continued to facilitate the ELCA and its members, uniting key stakeholders from sectors such as mobility, energy, healthcare, defence, and construction.
- Organised collaborative initiatives to address challenges hindering the widespread adoption of composite materials.
- Advancing the ELCA inclusive business framework to enhance communication and coordination among excellence clusters and research institutions.
- Strengthened the ELCA network to 19 members encompassing expertise in advanced lightweight materials, including polymers, metals, and ceramic matrix composites.
- Leveraged €45m of funding to accelerate the implementation of lightweight technologies across Europe.
- Continued on the work of the ELCA projects, creating impact through the ZEvRA, GIANCE, AMULET and SALIENT projects.

PhD, Innovation Consultant Materials

Innovation Consultant

Communications Consultant Circular, Materials

PhD, Innovation Consultant Circular, Materials

Work with us on Materials Innovation
Contact Bax’s Materials team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Mobility focussed on advancing sustainable and accessible transportation solutions across Europe. By supporting the integration of automated transport, shared mobility, and urban logistics, we helped cities improve the efficiency, inclusivity, and sustainability of their mobility systems.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Supporting the city of Hamburg to develop a Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) to give priority to buses as part of its mobility strategy
- Building a partnership of 8 regional authorities to develop new policies and solutions for public mobility in underserved rural areas
- Working with cities and researchers across the Mediterranean to build mobility hubs tailored to local mobility patterns.
- Collaborating with the City of Groningen to develop a framework for implementing open parcel locker systems, optimizing urban logistics while balancing service accessibility and public space

Our Mobility highlights from 2024
Bax, in collaboration with EIT Urban Mobility Academy, conducted workshops to equip European municipalities with actionable roadmaps for integrating automated and demand-responsive services into their public transport systems.

- Developed interactive workshops to teach municipalities a step-by-step approach to connected, cooperative, and automated mobility (CCAM).
- Facilitated knowledge exchange among mobility managers from five European cities.
- Provided customised roadmaps to guide future planning for automated mobility.
- Empowered local authorities to address bus driver shortages and service gaps with automated solutions.
- Enhanced understanding of CCAM’s potential to reduce operating costs by up to 50%.
- Supported the development of long-term strategies for safe, high-quality, and cost-effective public transport.

Innovation Consultant

Innovation Consultant

Innovation Consultant
Bax collaborated with the City of Groningen to develop a comprehensive framework for implementing open parcel locker systems, aiming to streamline urban logistics and maintain orderly public spaces amid the rise of e-commerce.
Client: City of Groningen

- Conducted a global benchmark of best practices to inform public authorities on effective parcel locker deployment strategies.
- Performed spatial analyses using GIS tools to identify optimal public locations for new parcel locker installations.
- Collaborated with the University of Groningen to ensure the framework’s academic rigor and practical applicability.
- Provided Groningen with a strategic plan to manage the rapid expansion of parcel lockers, balancing service accessibility with public space preservation.
- Established a replicable model for other cities to integrate parcel lockers into urban environments effectively.
- Contributed to sustainable urban logistics by reducing delivery-related traffic and emissions through consolidated parcel collection points.

PhD, Innovation Consultant Mobility

Innovation Consultant

Innovation Consultant

Work with us on Mobility Innovation
Contact Bax’s Mobility team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Nature focussed on advancing conservation and restoration practices that integrate socioeconomic benefits with environmental sustainability. By supporting initiatives in peatland, wetland, and marine ecosystem restoration, we helped drive impactful environmental action across Europe.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Building a network together with EIT Food of over 60 stakeholders in regenerative agriculture to drive the agricultural transition in southern Europe.
- Supporting the REWET project to restore terrestrial wetlands across nine European countries, engaging farmers and stakeholders in sustainable land management practices.
- Collaborating on seagrass meadow restoration in the Mediterranean, facilitating transnational pilot projects and securing €2 million in funding to enhance ecosystem services.

Our Nature highlights from 2024
Bax supported EIT Food South in developing a roadmap to scale regenerative agriculture in Italy and beyond through an organised workshop hosted at the Davines Group Village – European Regenerative Organic Center (EROC) in Parma, Italy.
Client: EIT Food South

- Designed a compelling agenda together with EIT Food, inviting impactful speakers and ensuring time for connection and collaboration between attendees.
- Coordinated event logistics from preparation to on-site event management and facilitation.
- Delivered communication at all stages, including promotion, on-site event photography and videography, and post-workshop follow-up.
- Established a network of over 60 stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, policymakers, and investors.
- Increased awareness of regenerative agriculture among cutting-edge Italian farmers.
- Consolidated key outcomes into a report that provides insights and recommendations for driving systemic change in agriculture.

Innovation Consultant

Innovation Consultant

Communications Consultant
Nature, Urban

Communications Consultant
Mobility, Nature
Bax collaborates with 18 partners in the Horizon Europe project REWET to restore and conserve terrestrial wetlands across nine European countries, aiming to reduce emissions and enhance carbon sequestration.

- Established seven open labs for wetland restoration in Spain, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Germany, and Portugal.
- Launched the REWET Acceleration Programme, conducting multi-stakeholder workshops and interviews to identify innovative technologies, business models, and social innovations.
- Developed business models to engage farmers in sustainable wetland restoration practices.
- Enhanced understanding of wetland ecosystem management, conservation, and restoration complexities.
- Identified optimal restoration strategies to maximize carbon storage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Promoted sustainable land management practices among farmers, aligning economic viability with environmental conservation.

Innovation Consultant

Innovation Consultant

Communications Consultant Nature, Urban

Innovation Consultant

Work with us on Nature Innovation
Contact Bax’s Nature team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Urban focussed on helping cities become healthier, smarter, and more sustainable through innovative urban planning and strategic collaborations. By supporting cities with solutions for climate resilience, mobility, and energy efficiency, we contributed to making urban environments more liveable and future-ready.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Implementing Nature-Based Solutions across eight Northern European cities, co-creating solutions to address the biodiversity and climate crisis and help the transition towards nature-inclusive societies, where nature and people can thrive together.
- Partnering with the DUT Partnership to support urban transformation, focusing on circular urban economies, positive energy districts, and the 15-minute city concept.

Our Urban highlights from 2024
Bax is supporting the Biodiverse Cities project in implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) across eight Northern European cities with innovative community engagement methods that also explore spatial experimentation and social design to connect citizens to nature.

- Facilitated transnational peer learning and collaboration among local authorities, research institutes, NGOs, and expert teams.
- Supported workshops on citizen engagement and co-creation tailored to each city’s needs.
- Empowered citizens and municipalities in NBS design, implementation, and maintenance, working towards integrating biodiversity action in city processes.
- Connected eight cities and eight expert organisations to tackle some of the most urgent urban issues linked to the biodiversity and climate crisis.
- Increased public awareness through media coverage, including publications with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and interviews with the European Commission.
- Developing 10 pilot sites through social innovation and stakeholder initiatives, enhancing biodiversity and urban living.

Innovation Consultant
Nature, Urban

Communications Consultant
Nature, Urban
Bax has embarked on a four-year collaboration with the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership to advance sustainable urban development across Europe.

- Joined forces with DUT, an intergovernmental research and innovation program, to support urban transformation towards climate-neutral, liveable, and inclusive cities.
- Assembled a team of nine experts from eight European countries to contribute to DUT’s strategic development.
- Focused on three key Transition Pathways: Circular Urban Economies, Positive Energy Districts, and the 15-minute City concept.
- Enhanced the strategic development of DUT’s Transition Pathways, promoting sustainable urban practices.
- Facilitated cross-sector collaboration and knowledge exchange among European cities and stakeholders.
- Contributed to the European mission of achieving climate-neutral cities and supporting the European Green Deal.

Innovation Consultant
Liveable Cities


Innovation Consultant
Active Mobility

Work with us on Urban Innovation
Contact Bax’s Urban team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.
In 2024, our work on Sharing focussed on accelerating the adoption of sharing solutions that foster sustainability and strengthen social connections. By supporting municipalities, housing associations, and solution providers in deploying sharing models, we are helping reshape urban consumption and reimagine ownership in cities, promoting a circular vision for material use.
Our work in 2024 included:
- Coordinating the Digital Kiosks project, deploying 22 sharing stations across six countries and engaging over 5,000 end-users in sustainable consumption practices.
- Co-designing inclusive shared mobility solutions through the SMALL initiative, enhancing accessibility for underrepresented groups and promoting inclusive urban mobility policies.

Our Sharing highlights from 2024
Bax is coordinating the Digital Kiosks project, uniting 12 organizations across seven European countries to deploy 22 sharing stations, promoting sustainable consumption and community engagement.
Collaborators: City of Saint-Quentin, Wandsbek District of the City of Hamburg, City of Amersfoort, Familjebostäder, Hogeschool Utrecht, Ghent University, Euratechnologies, The City of Bergen, The City of Sint-Niklaas, The Municipality of Vesthimmerland, Kringwinkel Antwerp, and Holland Circular Hotspot (HCH)

- Collaborated with municipalities, housing providers, and research institutions to co-create and test sharing stations.
- Managed the Interreg Europe North Sea Region project ‘Digital Kiosks’ to advance local sharing economy strategies.
- Developed resources like the Sharing Station Implementation Guide and Community Engagement Toolkit to support widespread adoption.
- Unlocked funding to deploy 22 sharing stations across six countries, which will engage over 5,000 end-users in the next four years.
- Facilitated the creation of a Europe-wide alliance to support sustainable sharing practices.
- Contributed to a global shift towards more sustainable and socially connected communities.

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Mobility, Sharing

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Materials, Sharing

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Sharing

Innovation Consultant
Bax collaborates with 12 partners to co-design shared mobility solutions that are inclusive and accessible, focusing on the needs of children, families, the elderly, and individuals with reduced mobility.
Clients and Partners: Mpact, Amsterdam, Brest Metropole, Capital Region Denmark, Saint-Quentin, POLIS, Rupprecht Consult, Ghent University, Vervorregio Amsterdam, De Fietsambassade

- Engaged in the Shared Mobility for ALL (SMALL) initiative to develop inclusive shared mobility services.
- Facilitated co-creation workshops with diverse user groups to identify accessibility challenges.
- Supported pilot projects in six cities to implement and test accessible shared mobility solutions.
- Enhanced accessibility of shared mobility services for underrepresented groups.
- Promoted inclusive urban mobility policies and practices across Europe.
- Fostered collaboration between cities, mobility providers, and communities to address mobility barriers.

Innovation Consultant
Circular, Mobility, Sharing

Communications Consultant
Energy, Mobility

Work with us on Sharing Innovation
Contact Bax’s Sharing team to learn more about how we can support your innovation strategy.